This Photoshop work right here: contains sketches, that Respresent the Biuldings, Floors, and Stairs, Based on the Location, a Worker, Student, would Attend, for When a Student Applied for a Loan to Go to School.
In this Picture, you can see how its arranged, from the Buildings, to the Floors, and Offices, The Information is coming from The Locations, Located within the Cites, and States.
When I Student, and worker, Applies for something, such as a Loan, Far as Credits, and Employment, School LLC, Explains how The Plans, work from What Financial Aid Pays form and any out of Pocket Cost.
When I Student Graduates, they Dream about a #Number of things Included, a House, Car, and a Business. What does it Mean when we Pay our do's, to work hard, for something That you Really know you Deserve, There are a few Rules that do Apply, but on the other hand The Lessons we can Learn is not to Ignore, the Situation, even if your not Sure, keep in Mind, what is Taken care of, to Fix the Problems.

This Moment Matthew Explains, About working in the Tutoring Room, Based on his School work, it seems like the Requirements, in Order to Succeed in a Course, is to Spend more time working with the Tutors, and to study for what the Students, needs to know.
You can see in this Drawing, Photoshop work, that Matthew is Meeting with the Tutors, rather then the Students, Matthew, is working hard, Thinks That Art Is about the Creative Talent.
some courses, That require a lot of Concitrate to Better Understand the Requirements.