This Original Drawing, Matthew Drew 14 Years ago, back in 2004, The video Game by RockStar Games, Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
In this Drawing, Matthew found this Original Drawing, on Paper, then Matthew. worked this using Adobe Photoshop. to Show more of the Details in the Helicopter, and the Landscaping, during the Game Play, i am sure a lot of Players, for GTA, looked forward, to be able to Pilot Helicopters. and being able to take a tour of the City, during Game Play, Matthew Panted this Picture to Make it look like during a 3 Star, during Game Play, The Police Helicopter, The Game about Grand Theft auto, also would allow to were you would be able to Play doing Jobs, with the work, i added in the Helicopter, to include, the Pilots, there were Piloting the Helicopter.
The City in the Background, shows a Beach, and Boats, in the Ocean, a FootBall Stadium, and the City.During the Game Play if anyone wondered about why is it that Only, One Player was Allowed, Now days we have the Live, Gaming where a Player can connect with other Players online, and Play a Game, during the Game, Mission, That for what we can do about far as How Much Fun the Game, is, if its the Graphics, and the way the game was Developed. I draw this Picture, to show How much Detail i can add to the work, based on the video Game.