This Coloring worked in Adobe Photoshop Explains the Based on the Pixar Films Movie Cars 3.
Matthew Proformed a Youtube video 4 Years ago, back in 2013, about a Possible Upcoming Sequel to the 2011, Pixar Cars 2, but this time Matthew Was thinking that Pixar Films would use The Character Named Garmanie, in the Film, Germanie is Lightling McQueens Cousin, who Meets Lightling McQueen a the Race Track, Where Lightling McQueen is Proforming more for His Upcoming Race.
This Character of course looks almost like Characters, in the Film, but of course Matthew did not Write no Script for His Idea. it was Mainly the Drawing that shows The 2 Characters as they Race for the Piston Cup.
For any Pixar Film, for the Location, the Film takes Place and the Characters, Matthew would wonder that if he Guest Correctly for an Upcoming Film to Earn credit for That, but of coursed Matthew does not work for the Disney Studio's, not even Pixar, Films, but He has Plenty of Idea's to Post.
In this Movie, Lighting McQueen from the First Film, is working on winning the Piston Cup, going on a Road Trip, and rebuilding a Road, then from the Second Film. he then works to Race, New Characters are also seen, Matthew also came up with the idea of Stalpady, Father and Son Characters, who work in Construction, When I watch these Films i do think about some idea's for what Pixar can use, but then also, there always Ideas That are going to be used and Devoloped for Disney Pixar. But of course i could think of another Film Pixar Can use, also, is Trains "Academy" For the Pixar Films Matthew has more Idea's to think of by Summer 2018 also, and for the Best Entertainment for our Children.

This Design here, Shows the Character, Stalepdy, A Color version, of the Print, Showing the way of how the Colors Blend with the Crayons, and The Character Design.
Summer 2017, would be when the Sequel, Cars 3 would be Released, in this Design you can see That Stalpedy is colors in Colors Crayon Blue, the Idea Matthew was thin king about Was for This Character, to be the Cousin, and Racing. Matthew though of a few More Idea's But with This one it was about Racing, with the Character, That could be Related to Lightning McQueen, for Pixar Films Cars 3, taking Lightning McQueen for the Racing Challenge, Meeting His Cousin on the Track.

Pixar Cars 3, Learning about Online Accounts