These are Illustration Painting That I worked, during this time Was before i had a Pair of the Total Solar Eclipse Glasses, I was not able to see the Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st, 2017. These Designs I had Created and Developed to assume what the Eclipse would look like. there was the Eclipse of the Sun, but I heard that the Moon was also expected

Manufactured By:
Lunt Solar Systems
This Picture is what the Sun would look like while Looking through the Special Made Total Solar Eclipse Glasses. These Glasses were Developed to Protect your Eye's from Direct Sunlight, to Help us see the Total Solar Eclipse, the Directions say not to Keep after one Year(12 Months), The Glasses are not a Toy, The Glasses should not be used if Damaged.
The Directions say not to use These Glasses with a Camera, or Telescope.
Anyone who seen the Eclipse this Year, who was able to Purchase these Glasses, say that they were able to Get Photographs from a Camera, Telescope with the Correct designed Lenses.
In case if anyone Missed the Eclipse, there are Really Good Photographs Online, that you can see, but for any Doctors Orders, they say it's not Safe to look Directly at the Sun during the Eclipse, if you don't have a Pair of These Glasses, it is Highly Recommended, to Purchase a Pair, to Protect our Eye's even if the Next Eclipse is not in the next 7 Years from now, that gives us enough time to Prepared for the Next Display of the Eclipse. Understand about the Eclipse, When the Sun, or Moon Passes Through the Earths Shadow. we are able to see This while Looking through the Special Designed Glasses.

This Photograph was taken on Friday, September 22nd, at around 11:30am, of The Sun Cloud Cover, and a Round Object that looks like the Moon, The NASA Mentioned about Planet X.

The Total Solar Eclipse that took Place on Monday, August 21st, 2017. on the Afternoon Sky, for People with their Glasses to look at the Sun, as the Sun Passes Through the Earth Shadow.
These are Designed Painting to Represent the Total Eclipse of the Sun, and for what it would look like for 2024.

These Designs were Created using Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop, This Painting of the Total Solar Eclipse 2017, Shows the Sun as it Passes through the Earths shadow. Matthew Paintined this Picture as to assume what the Eclipse Looked like since he Missed The Eclipse this Year. But for the Opportunity to Draw the Details by getting Idea's and Feedback for others about what The Eclipse Looked like.