The Childhood, story started Back in 1988, when I was Curious to know what it was like to Order Products, by Cataloged, Ordering over the Telephone, Ordering Online, It seems Imaginable to be able to Hold That Ability in our Hands that Makes Everyday, Easier. it would be Nice!! for anyone could have That ability, for Employment Online. We like, to know about a Career, and Improvement on Education. The way Matthew Learned Based on his Experience came from How he Studied about the way, Technology worked, spending More time with it, Not Exspecting Everything to work Right away, even though we, would like most of Everything to work the way we want it to be, Not to Ever Give up Hope, for what we worked Hard for, it seem to take for how We Understand the Professional skills.
Matthew Uses his Imagination Everyday, not just on the Weekend, Everyday, and What does he think, about Matthew, Thinks about What he can Create, for His time, that Matters, That makes the work Useful.
Matthew May not be The Best Experted, about How Everything works, but How much Confidentence he sets is Goals for, His Goals, His Mind for Achievement.

This is an Example of a Logo, For Amazon, For any Children's First Experienced to ask, What Amazon EStore is, an Online Store to Shop and Online, where you can Shop for a Verity of Items, one thing we may not have Mentioned to our Children, is That a Credit Card maybe Required.Order Online seems like an Interesting Experience for Everyone, But some INTERNET sites, you have to be 18 or Older to use,WHY is That, well, First of ALL, i Think it's about for WHO? is Mature Enough to use, the Sites, They ask for anyone Permission also, and Third, is to Reconise the Person by the Order. They may not have much of Shopping Experience, Like this Back in 1988, but to Let Children Know, Then they get Older they would Understand, in the Meantime, I making sure we Teach our Children, the Basic Practice, before a Situation Happens. such as Unwanted, Unauthorized Orders on an Account, for what we call Security.