this is how we met! we were both busy . you don't have to be related in order to be a registered voter but you also needs to show identification stating you citizen
 am voting democrat for the reasons when I do read these political ads I also think is the messages really being delivered to the people a lot of people have not yet decided yet who they're going to vote for but I would vote for Kamala for the following reason because she is capable of running the country the first African American to be election to the white house, for what she stands for is the complaint I would use. she stands for the people, its not about just democrats, or republicans but its about bring our country together. why do I think kamala is the candidate for the job to run for the Oval Office? she speaks!! to the people, she stands for the freedom. most important she puts America first. America needs a commander-in-chief who shows that they care about the people not about power, when we win in November we all need to think about what America needs first. You can love your country not by when you win but by trusting in the people who need the right support for its fits the needs of the people to make a nation great when I vote! i am also putting my words up on the ballot as if the ballot we recording my ideas. my idea would be that voting is about speaking, if I talk I think about what fits best by my options, its not about control from the right, or the left, it's about me as a registered us citizen counted, recorded to deciding who the winners of the election are.
Promising to be  president to all americans would mean the president is willing to work hard to deliver the work needed in order to bring our country together. 
trump takes no responsibility for what happened on January 6th 2021 since he did not care about the transfer of power, he only cared about staying in power by claiming that the election was stolen from him, the election belongs to the people.he would fulfill those promises only if he won but he also needs to know that when you lose your responsibility is to deliver your responsibility to the candidate elect.
There is a lot of this we cannot do without an account let the voice guide you for what matters to the American people. your name is an important way to think about this election just because it is a way that you know your putting what belongs to you for listeners to hear.
when managing a credit card you would have the ability to spend money electrnic when it comes to giving money, showing support for your party. when you have an account you also have the power to support that team when it comes to showing support, making a choice for how things are handled when you do donate you are also getting experienced with what it is like to know how giving means showing support. when you do use a credit card you are also looking at the terms of use, when it comes to earnings, spending money when you do have speanding credit. having a account with a credit card is just like having a personal checking account your able to count the funds, save money even earn points, credits, also recieve coupons. working with a credit card would also mean the responsibility of working with the budget wen it comes to paying the payments, monthly some cardholders would think that is something not everyone wants to deal with when it comes to buying things, ordering online, being a card holder, but having a card would give you the power to shop. this will allow you to buy the items, order items online each month is a way of thinking about solving a problem with the account you can manage the income by eletrnonic.
The american people know that they can show support when they vote, when we fight we win, we are not going back since the democrates took office their was a lot of problems going on in the country. 
The race for the white house shows that the nominnee who excepts the nomination for president.
The terms of use are a way of saying an opportunity to use a service when it comes to applying online.We see this about President Biden's agenda.  during this first term in office, he promised to restore the nation of the country, and have all Americans pay their far-share. Some words say that there is lot more than that. some believe that the cost of inflation is too high.  Most of the support for what is needed comes by getting all Americans to agree that are we have better 3 years ago since Biden took office. 
Since i took office Our country was not in the perfect shape, their was the pandemic the wars, than it was the Ifrustrature, since i became predident was were able to re-open our country. Think about were we were 4 years ago, we were at the sutiation were we had to obay the safty ruled of distancing due to the pandemic.
We know when we order something it cost money but when we think about a package deal we think about more than we request, that is why when we order online we think about more.
Voting is about having your opinions heard, but a lot of times it sure seems like it is about testing our acknowledge when it comes to the decisions for which are made. but when you do vote, do you think that everyone agree's? do you have to explain your responses when it comes to voting? When we do vote it is all about speaking up, what goes on in the community, what goes on in the country. most would say that voting matters, when you do vote not only is the opinion heard, but you are also being recorded in the systems as we know when we do vote. that is how we are able to get out opinions heard. Good feedback starts by the people in the community discussing things. not everyone is going to agree on everything but more data is provided, compared to when we do not speak up about the process, that would mean that very little information is provided. Election Day is about providing leadership to our country, when we vote, we provide our voice to better understand how we can build a future for the country.
Having a desire to make a lot of money means, do you have a desire to provide good service. do you fulfill the requirements to please others? it sure seems like the questions go many ways. But I can say this is that you provide service and respect to others for how well they know you, even if the other person does not know you very well, giving thanks is a way to show support to those in need. it starts with a hung, hand-shake. saying hi! Having a desire to learn a lot of things, we would think that a lot of money or less money means that what is provided that is providing that service is also called business. doing business would mean that the work that someone does is related to allowing someone to do work but talking about how someone meets when it is unexpected would mean that you are not ready for that favorite moment, really what is a favorite moment? That is when you have a special moment to were you realize you get what you want when it is respected. When you expect someone more like you would like to meet your more aware of your surroundings when it comes to meeting someone special, Found is another topic to discuss when it comes to working hard realizing that someone did find your work to be interesting.
Make a lot of money does give you the idea that what you can picture in the mind when it comes to daydreaming about something special, when we do dream we always wonder what is so real about the mind thinking compared to reality. having a desire to work hard for someone else to realise the work you put into something. You really need the really clear picture in order to make it real but also when it comes to the future is what we all make of it. a dream is something that has not happened yet!!, not yet! dreaming about something meaning that you visiolise a probibility for something that could happen, ways of stating that to realise that possibility, a lot of the uncertianty. These illustrations talk about the New Years eve event, when meeting someone we begin to think that meeting on social media like facebook may not be the smartest thing, but it is a way to be discovered on how followers connect, they connect just becouse they have not seen the work they find interesting.
Midnight is usealy the time of the night when i think about a lot of the accompishments when it comes to understanding what we worked so hard on the thing we do is look up at the moon just becouse we hear that story about the Moon; Does the Moon really talk? if it does it would say that its about bedtime, but bedtime can mean story time, also imagining that you can impress someone with you ability to do something.
Older sister and big sister can say that being grownup is not just about being incharge, you know that foresure, that it is about taking care of those important responsibilities, that responsibility is keep track of the important adjectives when it comes to jobs, being a sister would mean that you have the conversations about girls stuff but on the other hand your talking about being the boss, being the oldest would mean that the parents have you take the resposibility of explaining to the other child about the important reasons. that reason is a reason to say that being the oldest means you are the first to graduate. you are the first to get your drivers license, you get a biggest allownce but when it comes to voting, your speaking up for what you think is right for the country when it comes to decisions made, the congress. When we do talk about the first- vice president elected to be the vice president of the united states of america. making history means talking about stories, what goes on in this country. to better understand history anyone may ask the question that making history should be about the past, but there is also a story included.
Situations when you do start talking this mean your having a conversation that conversation means that your getting information, getting the idea on how the explaining courses comnect, making more since. What does is mean when we do speak up about what we see? if it is on tv, or over the radio? We get the idea that how it all works.We do think that conversations need to be recorded on a document to get enought data when it comes to getting feedback but what about the feedback know as someones opinion, comments, most of the time when we do have any kind of conversation, it can be personal, that is why it is encouraged to make the other person feel more cofertable for speaking with you when it comes to talking about issues based on a story, long stories.
Former president trump still will not except the 2020 election results since he believes that the election was not a fair & square election. account to his supporters that he believes that a fair election is supposed to be about how we vote, who we vote for most importantly its about power, the former president knew that he lost but knew that as long as we remained in power, I want the supporters by his party to believe that the election was stolen from him, the election is not determined by the candidate, the person on the ticket needs to win in order to earn that nomination for the white house. trump knew that he was going to lose but he told his supporters that their votes were not counted to certify the election, that is why he believed that if his supporters to fight to get those vote counted to certify the election resolved for a smooth peaceful transfer a power but trump knew that he was not going to except he believed it is freud! the election results come from the people they are not test stores. or applications they are the people voiced by who they choose to be the next nominee. trump told his supporters to remain in power he wanted to claim the election was stolen from him just because while he was in power he wanted four more years of control, and power, he wanted to tell his friends that our country is my way. i don't care about the people, if anything only when I win. only when I will I will bring the country together, no not only if you win but when you are campaigning, you are making a promise to the American people that you are willing to show responsibility, you showed no responsibility, or trust from your first term, whereas your not qualified to hold the oval office.if you are not willing to support the people by what they need then you are not fit to serve for the Oval Office. You cannot only love your country when you win, you should unite the country even when you do loose.
elections are mainly focused on winning!!  our future
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